de indicadores mundiales para los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible y metas de
la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible
Global indicator framework for the Sustainable Development Goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Global indicator framework for the Sustainable Development Goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Conservar y utilizar sosteniblemente los océanos, los mares y los recursos marinos para el desarrollo sostenible
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Conservar y utilizar sosteniblemente los océanos, los mares y los recursos marinos para el desarrollo sostenible
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
14.1 De aquí a 2025, prevenir y reducir
significativamente la contaminación marina de todo tipo, en particular la
producida por actividades realizadas en tierra, incluidos los detritos marinos
y la polución por nutrientes
14.1 By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution
of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris
and nutrient pollution
14.1.1 Índice de
eutrofización costera y densidad de detritos plásticos flotantes
14.1.1 Index of coastal eutrophication and floating plastic debris density
14.1.1 Index of coastal eutrophication and floating plastic debris density
14.2 De aquí a 2020, gestionar y proteger
sosteniblemente los ecosistemas marinos y costeros para evitar efectos adversos
importantes, incluso fortaleciendo su resiliencia, y adoptar medidas para
restaurarlos a fin de restablecer la salud y la productividad de los océanos
14.2 By 2020, sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems to avoid significant adverse impacts, including by strengthening their resilience, and take action for their restoration in order to achieve healthy and productive oceans
14.2 By 2020, sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems to avoid significant adverse impacts, including by strengthening their resilience, and take action for their restoration in order to achieve healthy and productive oceans
14.2.1 Proporción de
zonas económicas exclusivas nacionales gestionadas mediante enfoques basados en
los ecosistemas
14.2.1 Proportion of national exclusive economic zones managed using ecosystem-based approaches
14.2.1 Proportion of national exclusive economic zones managed using ecosystem-based approaches
14.3 Minimizar y abordar los efectos de
la acidificación de los océanos, incluso mediante una mayor cooperación
científica a todos los niveles
14.3 Minimize and address the impacts of ocean acidification, including through enhanced scientific cooperation at all levels
14.3 Minimize and address the impacts of ocean acidification, including through enhanced scientific cooperation at all levels
14.3.1 Acidez media
del mar (pH) medida en un conjunto convenido de estaciones de muestreo
14.3.1 Average marine acidity (pH) measured at agreed suite of representative sampling stations
14.3.1 Average marine acidity (pH) measured at agreed suite of representative sampling stations
14.4 De aquí a 2020, reglamentar
eficazmente la explotación pesquera y poner fin a la pesca excesiva, la pesca
ilegal, no declarada y no reglamentada y las prácticas pesqueras destructivas,
y aplicar planes de gestión con fundamento científico a fin de restablecer las
poblaciones de peces en el plazo más breve posible, al menos alcanzando niveles
que puedan producir el máximo rendimiento sostenible de acuerdo con sus
características biológicas
14.4 By 2020, effectively regulate harvesting and end overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and destructive fishing practices and implement science-based management plans, in order to restore fish stocks in the shortest time feasible, at least to levels that can produce maximum sustainable yield as determined by their biological characteristics
14.4 By 2020, effectively regulate harvesting and end overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and destructive fishing practices and implement science-based management plans, in order to restore fish stocks in the shortest time feasible, at least to levels that can produce maximum sustainable yield as determined by their biological characteristics
14.4.1 Proporción de
poblaciones de peces cuyos niveles son biológicamente sostenibles
14.4.1 Proportion of fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels
14.4.1 Proportion of fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels
14.5 De aquí a 2020, conservar al menos
el 10% de las zonas costeras y marinas, de conformidad con las leyes nacionales
y el derecho internacional y sobre la base de la mejor información científica
14.5 By 2020, conserve at least 10 per cent of coastal and marine areas, consistent with national and international law and based on the best available scientific information
14.5 By 2020, conserve at least 10 per cent of coastal and marine areas, consistent with national and international law and based on the best available scientific information
14.5.1 Cobertura de
las zonas protegidas en relación con las zonas marinas
14.5.1 Coverage of protected areas in relation to marine areas
14.5.1 Coverage of protected areas in relation to marine areas
14.6 De aquí a 2020, prohibir ciertas
formas de subvenciones a la pesca que contribuyen a la sobrecapacidad y la
pesca excesiva, eliminar las subvenciones que contribuyen a la pesca ilegal, no
declarada y no reglamentada y abstenerse de introducir nuevas subvenciones de
esa índole, reconociendo que la negociación sobre las subvenciones a la pesca
en el marco de la Organización Mundial del Comercio debe incluir un trato
especial y diferenciado, apropiado y efectivo para los países en desarrollo y
los países menos adelantados
14.6 By 2020, prohibit certain forms of fisheries subsidies which contribute to overcapacity and overfishing, eliminate subsidies that contribute to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and refrain from introducing new such subsidies, recognizing that appropriate and effective special and differential treatment for developing and least developed countries should be an integral part of the World Trade Organization fisheries subsidies negotiation
14.6 By 2020, prohibit certain forms of fisheries subsidies which contribute to overcapacity and overfishing, eliminate subsidies that contribute to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and refrain from introducing new such subsidies, recognizing that appropriate and effective special and differential treatment for developing and least developed countries should be an integral part of the World Trade Organization fisheries subsidies negotiation
14.6.1 Progresos
realizados por los países en el grado de aplicación de los instrumentos
internacionales cuyo objetivo es combatir la pesca ilegal, no declarada y no
14.6.1 Progress by countries in the degree of implementation of international instruments aiming to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing
14.6.1 Progress by countries in the degree of implementation of international instruments aiming to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing
14.7 De aquí a 2030, aumentar los
beneficios económicos que los pequeños Estados insulares en desarrollo y los
países menos adelantados obtienen del uso sostenible de los recursos marinos,
en particular mediante la gestión sostenible de la pesca, la acuicultura y el
14.7 By 2030, increase the economic benefits to small island developing States and least developed countries from the sustainable use of marine resources, including through sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism
14.7 By 2030, increase the economic benefits to small island developing States and least developed countries from the sustainable use of marine resources, including through sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism
14.7.1 Proporción
del PIB correspondiente a la pesca sostenible en los pequeños Estados insulares
en desarrollo, en los países menos adelantados y en todos los países
14.7.1 Sustainable fisheries as a proportion of GDP in small island developing States, least developed countries and all countries
14.7.1 Sustainable fisheries as a proportion of GDP in small island developing States, least developed countries and all countries
14.a Aumentar los conocimientos
científicos, desarrollar la capacidad de investigación y transferir tecnología
marina, teniendo en cuenta los Criterios y Directrices para la Transferencia de
Tecnología Marina de la Comisión Oceanográfica Intergubernamental, a fin de
mejorar la salud de los océanos y potenciar la contribución de la biodiversidad
marina al desarrollo de los países en desarrollo, en particular los pequeños
Estados insulares en desarrollo y los países menos adelantados
14.a Increase scientific knowledge, develop research capacity and transfer marine technology, taking into account the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology, in order to improve ocean health and to enhance the contribution of marine biodiversity to the development of developing countries, in particular small island developing States and least developed countries
14.a Increase scientific knowledge, develop research capacity and transfer marine technology, taking into account the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology, in order to improve ocean health and to enhance the contribution of marine biodiversity to the development of developing countries, in particular small island developing States and least developed countries
14.a.1 Proporción
del presupuesto total de investigación asignada a la investigación en el campo
de la tecnología marina
14.a.1 Proportion of total research budget allocated to research in the field of marine technology
14.a.1 Proportion of total research budget allocated to research in the field of marine technology
14.b Facilitar el acceso de los
pescadores artesanales a los recursos marinos y los mercados
14.b Provide access for small-scale artisanal fishers to marine resources and markets
14.b Provide access for small-scale artisanal fishers to marine resources and markets
14.b.1 Progresos
realizados por los países en el grado de aplicación de un marco jurídico,
reglamentario, normativo o institucional que reconozca y proteja los derechos
de acceso para la pesca en pequeña escala
14.b.1 Progress by countries in the degree of application of a legal/regulatory/policy/institutional framework which recognizes and protects access rights for small-scale fisheries
14.b.1 Progress by countries in the degree of application of a legal/regulatory/policy/institutional framework which recognizes and protects access rights for small-scale fisheries
14.c Mejorar la conservación y el uso
sostenible de los océanos y sus recursos aplicando el derecho internacional
reflejado en la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Derecho del Mar, que
constituye el marco jurídico para la conservación y la utilización sostenible
de los océanos y sus recursos, como se recuerda en el párrafo 158 del documento
“El futuro que queremos”
14.c Enhance the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and
their resources by implementing international law as reflected in the United
Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which provides the legal framework
for the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources, as
recalled in paragraph 158 of “The future we want”
14.c.1 Número de
países que, mediante marcos jurídicos, normativos e institucionales, avanzan en
la ratificación, la aceptación y la implementación de los instrumentos
relacionados con los océanos que aplican el derecho internacional reflejado en
la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Derecho del Mar para la
conservación y el uso sostenible de los océanos y sus recursos
14.c.1 Number of countries making progress in ratifying, accepting and implementing through legal, policy and institutional frameworks, ocean-related instruments that implement international law, as reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, for the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans and their resources
14.c.1 Number of countries making progress in ratifying, accepting and implementing through legal, policy and institutional frameworks, ocean-related instruments that implement international law, as reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, for the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans and their resources
A/RES/71/313. Labor de la Comisión de Estadística
en relación con la Agenda2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible (10/07/2017)
A/RES/71/313. Work of the Statistical Commission pertaining to the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development (10/07/2017)
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